Birthdate SP-1,151
Birthdate SP-3,10
Death date SP-3,155
Buried in St. Peter Cemetery in Reserve.
Baptized at Reserve on 3 Jul 1886 (SP-3,113).
T-P obit 2/27/1972
Death date from Slidell Cemetery.
Second marriage at Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Biloxi.
T-P death notice 9/8/1910
TP obit 10/3/1974
Birth date SJB-5,130
Marriage date St. Tammany Parish Civil Records
Baptized in Edgard (SJB-6,492)
Birth date St. Joseph Church, French Settlement-3,8
Birth date St. Joseph Church, French Settlement-3,26
Birth date St. Joseph Church, French Settlement-3,32
Baptized at St. Peter Church in Reserve (SP-1,209)
Information on this family was provided to me by Charles Preston Perilloux.
Obit in Houston Chronicle, 10 March 2001.
Obit in Houston Chronicle 3/3/2013
Obit in The Daily Star, Hammond, LA, 4/23/2007
TP obit 4/7/1998