T-P obit 6/15/2011
Birthdate SP-1,263
DOB and DOD from Social Security Death Index.
T-P obit 1/20/1975
TP obit 2/6/2013
obit in The Times-Picayune from Mar. 7 to Mar. 13, 2021
obit in The Times-Picayune from Mar. 7 to Mar. 13, 2021
Birthdate SP-1,10
Marriage recorded in St. John Parish Civil MarriageRecords.
Baptized at Edgard on 1 Nov 1829 with Charles Cicet and Azelie Cambre as sponsors (SJB-5,47)
Baptized at SJB Church in Edgard on 7 Mar 1779 with sponsors Jean Adam Vicknair and Veronique Rome (SJB-1,41a).
Died single (SJB-1-48b).
obit from Harry McKneely Funeral Home 2-4-2022 - 2-5-2022