Perilloux Family Genealogy


Leonard James HEBERT

Obit in The Times-Picayune on Aug. 2, 2019

David Paul HEBERT

T-P obit 4/24/2011

William PERIOU

Birth SM-11b,411

Harris Joel PERIOU

Death notice in the Lafayette Advertiser, 20 May 2001.


Times Picayune obit 1/10/1954 spelled her name as Mrs. Ledia Hebert Perrillioux

George Willy PERILLOUX

Birth SJO-7,84

Henri Thomas PERILLOUX

Birth SJO-7,117
Death SJO-3,112

Lucie Agathe PERILLOUX

Birth SJO-7,164

Robert Joseph PERILLOUX

BR Morning Advocate obit 8/16/1974

Ella Sallonge PERILLOUX

Birth SJO-7,532
Death SJO-3,293

Bruno Sylvere PERILLOUX

Birth SJO-8,13

Earl Joseph MILLET

T-P obit Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006

Marie Aimee VICKNAIR

Marie Aimee and her husnabd moved to Lafourche Parish About 1845, and most of their 10 children were born there.