Perilloux Family Genealogy


Zephyrin Jourdan PERILLOUX

Baptized at Edgard on 12 Mar 1836 with Jean Baptist Rodrigue and Marie Magdeleine Perilloux as sponsors (SJB-5,192).
Death date SJB-2,148
Buried in St. Peter Cemetery in Reserve.

Josephine Aurelia DESNOYER

Buried in St. Peter Cemetery in Reserve.

Louis Nicomede PERILLOUX

Birthdate SP-1,40
Died single on 21 May 1887 (SP-2,159)

Marie Devienne PERILLOUX

Birthdate SP-3,61
Death date SP-3,217
Marie Devienne died single.

Francois WEBER

(Girl) Weber born 1808, died 28 Sep 1811.
All information on Francois Weber, his two wives and children comes from "A Tregre Reunion" by Ethel Tregre LeCompte Daigle.