Baptized at Edgard on 1 May 1846 with Valsin Perret and Octavie Montz as sponsors (SJB-6,163)
Death date SP-3,203
Death date SP-3,88
Birth date SJB-6/214
Did not marry
Birth date SP-1,82
Death date SP-4,44
She did not marry
Birth date SP-1,279
She did not marry
Birth date SP-3,37
Death Date SP-3,240
She did not marry
Birth date SP-3,95
She was known as Sister Mary Genevieve of the Dominican Order
Birth date SP-3,253
Death date SP-2,263
Birth date SP-4,71
Death date SP-2,225
DOD SP 4/112
DOD from obit
Name and birthdate from Les Voyageurs, June 1997, p.70
Bapt 7 Nov 1910 at St. Peter
Baptized on 3 Jun 1837 at Edgard with Jean Landaiche and Genevieve as sponsors.
Listed as farm laborer in 1870 St. John Parish census.
Listed as age 1 8/12 in 1870 St. John Parish census.
TP obit 9/16/1953
Never married
T-P obit 5/16/1960
Birth date SJB-6/137
Baptized 16 Oct 1865, St. Peter Church. Sponsors - Maurice Chabaud and Marie Malvina Cambre
Source: Les Voyageurs, Dec 1995, Pg 219
Baptized 16 Feb 1868
Baptized at SJB Church, Edgard, LA 23 Jul 1871
Birth date SJB-6/335
Baptized at Edgard on 17 Oct 1814 with Sinphorien Borne and Eleine Leche as sponsors (SJB-3,155b)
Birth date SJB-3/56
Marriage Notes for James Walker and Marie Azelia CAMBRE-3155
Marriage date SJB-2/81b
Birth date SJB-4/53
Birth date SJB-4/119
Birth date SJB-4/197
Marriage date and location from Notre Dame Archives, Calendar 1839.