Birth date SJB-6/501
Prudent Cambre gives name as Sulmee Madere in one place and Zulmere Madere in another.
DOD from obit
Baptised at Edgard on 4 Oct 1812. Sponsors were Benjamin Perilloux and Magdeleine Cambre (SJB-3,139b).
23 Apr 1853 is license date recorded in St. John Parish Civil Records.
DOD from Prudent Cambre's files.
Birth date SP-6/20
Obit in The Advocate (Baton Rouge) 6/26/2006
Obit in The Advocate, Monday, 30 Aug 2004
Baptized at St. Peter Church in Reserve, LA on 14 Mar 1868 with Sylvain ??? and Marie Cambre as sponsors.
Death notice in T-P 10/4/1903 gave name as Wilfred Robert Michel Combre